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When the House is infiltrated and Merit is attacked by a vampire who seems to be under the sway of dark magic, Merit and Ethan realize the danger is closer than they could have imagined. As malign sorcery spreads throughout the city, Merit must go to war against supernatural powers beyond her comprehension.

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ePub More to Explore Age Of Sigmar: Core Book $ 39.99 Malign Sorcery $ 34.99 Age Of Sigmar: Gaming Book $ 22.99 Battletome: Seraphon $ 34.99 Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch $ 34.99 Battletome: Slaves To Darkness - 3 Endless Spell warscrolls for use when playing games using Malign Sorcery - Pitched battle profiles for all units and Endless Spells featured in this battletome If you’re starting a new skaven army or bringing your classic collection into the Mortal Realms, this battletome is your essential companion. As malign sorcery spreads throughout the city, Merit must go to war against supernatural powers beyond her comprehension. It is her last chance to save everything—and everyone—she loves. From the Trade Paperback edition. 2019/08/03 As a malign sorcery spreads throughout the city, Merit must go to war against supernatural powers beyond her comprehension. It’s her last chance to save everything—and everyone—she loves. It’s her last chance to save everything—and everyone—she loves. As malign sorcery spreads throughout the city, Merit must go to war against supernatural powers beyond her comprehension. It is her last chance to save everything-and everyone-she loves. It is her last chance to save everything-and everyone-she loves.

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